Red Wagyu

JC Rueshaw 92
Son of foundation bull, Rueshaw
Rueshaw was the only Japanese National Champion Wagyu to be exported from Japan
Extremely rare genetics - minimal amount of Rueshaw semen collected during his lifetime​
Full brother to the 2014 & 2015 top marbling, Grand Champion Red Wagyu Bull at the Houston Livestock Show
great structure and disposition
Free of all genetic disorders

HB Big Al 502
First Red Wagyu bull born outside of Japan
Son of arguably one of the top 3 females ever in Wagyu breed --- MTA Akiko
Share the same sire, Dai 10 Mitsumau 76, as the famous imported Red Wagyu bull Hikari
Known for great performance, calving ease, and maternal characteristics

- Known for his consistency and ability to add length of body and stout structure
- His calves have had some of the best weaning and yearling weights
His dam is the prominent Dai 8 Marunami

Foundation genetics - one of four original bulls imported in 1976
Genetics in limited supply
An outcross bull for 1994 imported Red Wagyu

Sired by a top Australian bull, Seisakushu - bred by the famous Sumo Cattle Company
Traces back to the great Akiko two times
Largest and fastest growing in his contemporary group